教會簡介:克利夫蘭華人教會(CCCC)是位於克利夫蘭的一間獨立福音派教會。教會的主堂位於克城東南郊(Orange Village), 設有普通話和英語兩堂聚會, 并有從兒童至成人的各項事工。分堂位於克利夫蘭市中心的中國城, 主日崇拜是廣東話和普通話的双语聚会, 并有主日學,英語青少年事工以及華語查經等活動。
職責:華語牧師將負責通過研經式講道來帶領每週的主日崇拜。他將以他個人的禱告為榜樣,教導並帶領會眾進行合一的禱告來尋求 主。他將負責培训同工學習和教導聖經, 為會眾提供關懷和辅导, 並培訓其他同工進行教牧關懷。牧師將帶領和訓練同工傳講神的話語,使會眾能夠在周圍的社區傳講福音。他將與其他牧師和教會行政會的同工們共同發展教會事工之異象與規劃。
● 有神呼召並得到聖靈的印證,願意在基督的教會中服事。 ● 在個人生命、家庭和事工中展現出提摩太前書 3:1-7 和提多書 1:6-9 長老的特質。 ● 擁有福音派神學院的道學碩士,於北美获得學位尤佳。 ● 至少必須具有一年北美華人教會牧會經驗,三年以上更佳。 ● 能以華語講道牧養,並具英語溝通能力,通粵語尤佳。 |
電郵: PastoralSearch@ClevelandCCC.org
Cleveland Chinese Christian Church is currently looking for a full-time Chinese Pastor to minister to our Chinese-speaking congregations.
Church Description:
Cleveland Chinese Christian Church (CCCC) is an independent evangelical church in greater Cleveland. Our main campus is in Orange Village, Ohio. This campus has a Mandarin congregation and an English congregation with a full range of ministries from children to senior adults in both languages. Our second campus is in Midtown, Cleveland in the “Asiatown” community. This campus has one service in Mandarin and Cantonese, Sunday school, a youth ministry in English, and other Bible study ministries in Chinese.
● Lead Chinese worship services through preaching expository sermons. ● Lead the weekly prayer meeting and Bible Studies. ● Train coworkers to study and teach the Bible. ● Provide care and counseling to congregation members and train others in pastoral care. ● Lead and train coworkers in evangelism so that they will be equipped to reach our communities with the gospel. ● Lead by example through personal prayer. ● Teach and lead the congregation to pray and seek the Lord personally and corporately. ● Work with the pastoral staff and Church Board to develop a vision and plans for CCCC’s ministry. |
● Called by God with the Scriptural convictions necessary to embrace and carry out the ministries of CCCC. ● Exhibit in his personal life, home, and ministry the qualities of an elder in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9. ● Received at least a Master of Divinity degree from an evangelical seminary, preferably in North America. ● One year of pastoral experience in a Chinese church in North America is required. Three or more years of pastoral experience is preferred. ● Preach and minister in Mandarin, and able to communicate in English. An ability to communicate in Cantonese is a plus. |
How to Apply:
Please send your resume, testimony, 2 recorded sermons (either audio or video), and your statement of faith to the attention of our Pastoral Search Committee Chairman.
(216) 531-2499 | FAX (216) 531-2499
Midtown Church: (216) 621-1412