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Genesis Chapter 9

1. Gen. 9:1-4 - God caused the fear and dread of man to fall upon the animals of the earth. God told Noah he could now eat green plants and animals, but he must not eat what?

  1. meat with lifeblood still in it
  2. lame animals
  3. baby animals
  4. road-kill

2. Gen. 9:5 - Fill in the blanks: "And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an -----. I will demand an ----- from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an ----- for the life of his fellow man."

  1. apology
  2. excuse
  3. offering
  4. accounting

3. Gen. 9:6-8 - God made man in his image. He told Noah to be fruitful, increase in number, multiply on the earth, and increase upon it. What did God establish with Noah and his descendants and every living creature?

  1. legal system
  2. covenant
  3. communication
  4. monetary system

4. Gen. 9:12-17 - God established a covenant with Noah and every living creature for all generations to come. God would never again send a flood to destroy all life. What sign did God create to remind him of his covenant?

  1. tornado
  2. storm cloud
  3. rainbow
  4. lightning bolt

5. Gen. 9:18 - Which of Noah's three sons was the father of Canaan?

  1. Shem
  2. Ham
  3. Japheth
  4. Canaan Sr.

6. Gen. 9:20 - Noah was a man of the soil. After the flood, he proceeded to plant something. What was it?

  1. olive grove
  2. wheat
  3. fig tree
  4. vineyard

7. Gen. 9:21-22 - After Noah drank some wine from his vineyard, he became drunk and lay uncovered inside his tent. Which of his three sons saw his nakedness?

  1. Ham
  2. Shem
  3. Japheth
  4. Noah Jr.

8. Gen. 9:23,24 - Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders, walked into Noah's tent backward, and covered their father's nakedness. What was Ham's place in the birth order of Noah's three sons?

  1. oldest
  2. middle
  3. youngest
  4. Shem's twin

9. Gen. 9:26 - Fill in the blanks: "Blessed be the Lord, the God of -----! May Canaan be the slave of -----."

  1. Shem
  2. Ham
  3. Japheth
  4. Noah

10. Gen. 9:27 - Fill in the blanks: "May God extend the territory of -----; may ----- live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his slave."

  1. Shem
  2. Ham
  3. Japheth
  4. Noah

11. Gen. 9:28,29 - After the flood Noah lived 350 years. How many years old was Noah when he died?

  1. 650
  2. 750
  3. 850
  4. 950

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Question 1 1

Question 2 4

Question 3 2

Question 4 3

Question 5 2

Question 6 4

Question 7 1

Question 8 3

Question 9 1

Question 10 3

Question 11 4