Bible Bowl Genesis 42
1. Gen. 42:1-4 - When Jacob learned
there was grain in Egypt, he sent
10 of his sons there to buy some. Which son did he not send?
A) Reuben B) Levi
C) Judah D) Benjamin
Correct answer D.
2. Gen. 42:6 - Who was the governor of
the land of Egypt, the one who
sold grain to all its people?
A) Pharaoh B) Potipher
C) Joseph D) Bob Taft
Correct answer C.
3. Gen. 42:7 - When Joseph saw his
brothers, he asked them where they
came from. What land did they say they had come from?
A) Egypt B) Canaan
C) Edom D) Goshen
Correct answer B.
4. Gen. 42:8-14 - Although Joseph
recognized his brothers, they did
not recognize him. They claimed to be honest men, but what did
accuse them of being?
A) spies B) thieves
C) liars D) politicians
Correct answer A.
5. Gen. 42:15,16 - Joseph said he would
test his brothers by sending
one of them back to get their youngest
brother. Where did he keep the
rest of them?
A) his home B) Pharaoh's court C) prison D) in a pyramid
Correct answer C.
6. Gen. 42:17,18 - While one of his
brothers returned home to get
Benjamin, how long were the others in
prison before Joseph spoke to
A) 1 day B) 3 days
C) 1 week D) 1 month
Correct answer B.
7. Gen. 42:19-22 - Joseph offered to
release all but one brother from
prison while the others took grain back
to their households. They
believed they were being punished for
selling Joseph into slavery. One
of them said, "Now we must give an
accounting for his blood." Which
brother said this?
A) Reuben B)
Simeon C) Levi D) Judah
Correct answer A.
8. Gen. 42:24 - Which brother remained
in prison while the others
left Egypt and returned home with the
A) Reuben B) Simeon
C) Levi D) Judah
Correct answer B.
Bible Bowl Genesis 42
9. Gen. 42:25-28 - In addition to
filling his brothers bags with
grain, what did Joseph secretly order to
be put back in each man's
A) gold B)
copper C) paper money D) silver
Correct answer D.
10. Gen. 42:29-38 - When Joseph's
brothers returned to their father
Jacob in the land of Canaan, they told
him all that had happened to
Jacob was upset and refused to let them take Benjamin back to
Egypt with them. Which of Jacob's sons offered to put both of
his own
sons to death if Benjamin did not return
home to Jacob?
A) Reuben B)
Levi C) Judah D) Dan
Correct answer A.