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Genesis Chapter 4

1. Gen. 4:1,2 - Who was Adam and Eve's first son who 'worked the soil'?

  1. Seth
  2. Cain
  3. Abel
  4. Adam Jr.

2. Gen. 4:1,2 - Who was Adam and Eve's second son who 'kept flocks'?

  1. Seth
  2. Cain
  3. Abel
  4. Adam II

3. Gen. 4:3-5 - Cain and Abel brought offerings to God. Abel brought fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock, which the Lord looked on with favor. The Lord did not look on Cain and his offering with favor. What offering did Cain give?

  1. fruits of the soil
  2. birds of the air
  3. animals of the field
  4. sweet incense

4. Gen. 4:6-8 - The Lord said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it." After this, while Cain and Abel were in the field, what did Cain do to Abel?

  1. poisoned him
  2. forgave him
  3. rebuked him
  4. attacked and killed him

5. Gen. 4:9 - After Cain attacked and killed Abel, the Lord asked Cain, "Where is your brother, Abel"? What was Cain's reply?

  1. "Don't you know, Lord?"
  2. "Am I like God, seeing everything?"
  3. "Am I my brother's keeper?"
  4. "Is Abel in danger?"

6. Gen. 4:10-12 - After Cain killed Abel, his blood cried out to God from the ground. God said Cain was under a curse and driven from the ground, which would no longer yield its crops for him. What did God say Cain would be on the earth?

  1. a restless wanderer
  2. a hopeless stranger
  3. a worthless beggar
  4. a homeless farmer

7. Gen. 4:13-16 - Cain said his punishment was more than he could bear. God put a mark on Cain and said anyone who killed him would suffer vengeance seven times over. After Cain left the Lord's presence, where did he live?

  1. the land of Winken
  2. the land of Blinken
  3. the land of Nod
  4. the land of Canaan

8. Gen. 4:17 - Who was Cain's son?

  1. Enoch
  2. Irad
  3. Mehujael
  4. Methushael

9. Gen. 4:18 - Who was Enoch's son?

  1. Irad
  2. Mehujael
  3. Methushael
  4. Lamech

10. Gen. 4:18 - Who was Irad's son?

  1. Mehujael
  2. Methushael
  3. Lamech
  4. Cain

11. Gen. 4:18 - Who was Mehujael's son?

  1. Methushael
  2. Lamech
  3. Cain
  4. Enoch

12. Gen. 4:18 - Who was Methushael's son?

  1. Lamech
  2. Cain
  3. Enoch
  4. Irad

13. Gen. 4:19 - Who was the husband of Adah and Zillah?

  1. Cain
  2. Enoch
  3. Irad
  4. Lamech

14. Gen. 4:20 - Who was Adah's son and the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock?

  1. Jubal
  2. Jabal
  3. Tubal-Cain
  4. Seth

15. Gen. 4:21 - Who was Adah's son and the father of all who play the harp and flute?

  1. Tubal-Cain
  2. Jabal
  3. Jubal
  4. Seth

16. Gen. 4:22 - Who was Zillah's son and who forged all kinds of tools out of bronze and iron?

  1. Jabal
  2. Jubal
  3. Tubal-Cain
  4. Seth

17. Gen. 4:22 - Who was Tubal-Cain's sister?

  1. Adah
  2. Zillah
  3. Eve
  4. Naamah

18. Gen. 4:23,24 - Who said the following (fill in the blank): "I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me. If Cain is avenged seven times, then ----- seventy-seven times."

  1. Lamech
  2. Enoch
  3. Adah
  4. Zillah

19. Gen. 4:25 - God granted Adam and Eve another son in place of Abel. Who was he?

  1. Enosh
  2. Enoch
  3. Seth
  4. Zeth

20. Gen. 4:26 - Who was Seth's son?

  1. Enoch
  2. Enosh
  3. Tubal-Enoch
  4. Tubal-Enosh

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Question 1 2

Question 2 3

Question 3 1

Question 4 4

Question 5 3

Question 6 1

Question 7 3

Question 8 1

Question 9 1

Question 10 1

Question 11 1

Question 12 1

Question 13 4

Question 14 2

Question 15 3

Question 16 3

Question 17 4

Question 18 1

Question 19 3

Question 20 2