Bible Bowl                             Genesis 31



       1. Gen. 31:1-7 - Laban's sons said Jacob had taken everything their

     father owned.  Laban's attitude had changed toward him, yet Jacob had

     worked for Rachel and Leah's father with all his strength.  How many

     times had Laban changed Jacob's wages?


                       A) seven  B) eight  C) nine  D) ten

     Correct answer D.


       2. Gen. 31:8-13 - Whether the flocks gave birth to speckled or

     streaked young, God took them from Laban and gave them to Jacob.  The

     angel of God appeared to Jacob in a dream and told him to leave the

     land at once and go back to his native land.  Where did the angel say

     Jacob had annointed a pillar and made a vow to God?


                    A) Egypt  B) Beersheba  C) Bethel  D) Zoar

     Correct answer C.


       3. Gen. 31:14-18 - Rachel and Leah told Jacob not to regard them as

     foreigners because Laban had sold them and used up what was paid for

     them.  They said Jacob should do what God told him to do.  Jacob put

     his children and wives on camels, drove his livestock ahead of him, and

     left Paddan Aram.  They traveled to Jacob's father Isaac in what land?


                     A) Canaan  B) Egypt  C) Goshen  D) Sodom

     Correct answer A.


       4. Gen. 31:19-21 - Jacob deceived Laban the Aramean and fled with all

     he had, crossed the River, and headed for the hill country of Gilead.

     Before they left and while Laban was shearing his sheep, Rachel stole

     something.  What did Rachel steal?


                         A) her father's staff

                         B) her father's household gods

                         C) a wineskin

                         D) 50 gold coins

     Correct answer B.


       5. Gen. 31:22,23 - On the third day Laban was told that Jacob had

     fled.  Laban took his relatives with him and pursued Jacob for how many



                       A) three  B) five  C) seven  D) ten

     Correct answer C.


       6. Gen. 31:24-27 - God came to Laban in a dream and told him not to

     say anything to Jacob, either good or bad.  Laban overtook Jacob in the

     hill country of Gilead.  Laban asked why Jacob had carried off his

     daughters like captives in war.  Laban wanted to send them away with

     joy and singing to the music of tambourines and what?


                    A) drums  B) trumpets  C) flutes  D) harps

     Correct answer D.





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               Bible Bowl                             Genesis 31



       7. Gen. 31:31 - Why did Jacob run off from Laban secretly?


               A) he was afraid Laban would take back his daughters

               B) he was afraid Laban would take his livestock

               C) he was angry about working so hard for Laban

               D) he was planning a surprise party for Laban

     Correct answer A.


       8. Gen. 31:34 - After Rachel stole Laban's household gods, where did

     she hide them?


                           A) under her bed

                           B) inside her camel's saddle

                           C) in Leah's tent

                           D) in a pile of manure

     Correct answer B.


       9. Gen. 31:38 - How long was Jacob with Laban before he left him?


                A) 14 years  B) 15 years  C) 20 years  D) 21 years

     Correct answer C.


      10. Gen. 31:41 - Jacob worked fourteen years for Laban's daughters and

     six years for his flocks.  During that period, how many times did Laban

     change his wages?


                       A) seven  B) eight  C) nine  D) ten

     Correct answer D.


      11. Gen. 31:44-49 - Jacob and Laban made a covenant to serve as a

     witness between them.  Jacob took a stone and set it up as a pillar and

     his relatives gathered stones and piled them in a heap.  Laban called

     it Jegar Sahadutha and Jacob called it Galeed.  What else was it



                  A) Marah  B) Moriah  C) Mizpah  D) Mumbo Jumbo

     Correct answer C.


      12. Gen. 31:52,53 - Laban said that the pillar and heap called Mizpah

     were to be a witness that neither of them would go to the opposite side

     and harm the other.  Jacob took an oath in the name of the Fear of



                       A) God  B) Abraham  C) Isaac  D) Esau

     Correct answer C.












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