Bible Bowl Genesis 30
1. Gen. 30:1 - Rachel was jealous of
Leah and told Jacob to give her
children or she would do what?
A) kill him B) kill Leah C) die D) cry
Correct answer C.
2. Gen. 30:3-6 - Rachel gave Jacob her
maidservant Bilhah, so they
could build a family through her. When Bilhah became pregnant, Rachel
said, "God has vindicated me; he has
listened to my plea and given me a
son." What did Rachel name this son?
A) Dan B) Naphtali
C) Gad D) Asher
Correct answer A.
3. Gen. 30:7,8 - Rachel's maidservant
Bilhah bore Jacob a second son
and Rachel said, "I have had a great
struggle with my sister, and I
have won." What did Rachel name this second son?
A) Dan B) Naphtali
C) Gad D) Asher
Correct answer B.
4. Gen. 30:9-11 - When Leah saw that
she had stopped having children,
she gave her maidservant Zilpah to Jacob
as a wife. When Zilpah bore a
son, Leah said, "What a good
fortune!". What did Leah name this
A) Dan B) Naphtali
C) Gad D) Asher
Correct answer C.
5. Gen. 30:12,13 - Leah's servant
Zilpah bore Jacob a second son and
Leah said, "How happy I am! The women will call me happy." What did
Leah name this son?
A) Dan B) Naphtali
C) Gad D) Asher
Correct answer D.
6. Gen. 30:14,15 - During wheat
harvest, Reuben found some plants and
brought them to his mother Leah. Rachel said Leah could sleep with
Jacob in exchange for her son's
plants. What kind of plants were they?
A) manna B) mistletoe C) mandrakes D) maize
Correct answer C.
7. Gen. 30:17,18 - Leah slept with
Jacob and bore him a fifth son.
She said, "God has rewarded me for
giving my maidservant to my
husband." What did Leah name this son?
A) Issachar B) Zebulun
C) Joseph D) Benjamin
Correct answer A.
Bible Bowl Genesis 30
8. Gen. 30:19,20 - Leah conceived again and bore Jacob a sixth
She said, "God has presented me with
a precious gift. This time my
husband will treat me with honor, because
I have borne him six sons."
What did she name this son?
A) Issachar B) Zebulun
C) Joseph D) Benjamin
Correct answer B.
9. Gen. 30:21 - After her six sons were
born, Leah gave birth to a
daughter. What was her name?
A) Diane B) Diana
C) Dinah D) Dee Dee
Correct answer C.
10. Gen. 30:22-24 - God remembered
Rachel, listened to her, and opened
her womb. She gave birth to a son and said, "God has taken away my
disgrace." What did Rachel name this son?
A) Issachar B) Zebulun
C) Joseph D) Benjamin
Correct answer C.
11. Gen. 30:25-32 - After Rachel gave
birth to Joseph, Jacob asked
Laban for his wages so that he could
leave. Which of the following did
Jacob NOT request as payment?
A) every speckled or
spotted sheep
B) every dark-colored lamb
C) every spotted or
speckled goat
D) every spotted cow and
speckled chicken
Correct answer D.
12. Gen. 30:35,36 - After Laban set
apart the animals to be given to
Jacob, how many days did Laban journey
away from Jacob and the flocks?
A) one B) two
C) three D) four
Correct answer C.
13. Gen. 30:37-39 - Jacob took fresh-cut
branches and made white
stripes on them by peeling the bark and
exposing the white inner wood.
He placed the branches in the watering
troughs, so the flocks would
drink and mate in front of the branches
and they bore young that were
streaked or speckled or spotted. Which kind of tree branches did Jacob
NOT use?
A) fig B) poplar
C) almond D) plane
Correct answer A.
Bible Bowl Genesis 30
14. Gen. 30:41-43 - Jacob placed the
striped branches in front of the
stronger females when they would
mate. So all the weak animals went to
Laban and the strong ones to Jacob. He became exceedingly prosperous
and came to own large flocks,
maidservants and menservants, and what
A) horses and camels
B) camels and
C) donkeys and
D) lions and tigers
and bears
Correct answer B.