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Exodus Summary Quiz

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1. Ex. 1:22 - What did Pharaoh command to be done to all Hebrew baby boys?

  1. sell them
  2. have their diapers changed
  3. circumcise them
  4. throw them into the Nile

2. Ex. 2:2-3 - To protect Moses, where did his mother hide him?

  1. in the attic
  2. in a cave
  3. in a basket
  4. in a field

3. Ex. 2:2-3 - Who put baby Moses in the Nile River?

  1. his sister
  2. his brother
  3. a gondolier
  4. his mother

4. Ex. 2:3 - What was Moses’ basket covered with to make it float?

  1. sap
  2. leaven
  3. Styrofoam
  4. tar and pitch

5. Ex. 2:5 - Who found baby Moses hidden in the reeds of the Nile?

  1. Pharaoh’s daughter
  2. Pharaoh’s servant
  3. an Egyptian water taxi driver
  4. Pharaoh

6. Ex. 2:22 - What did Moses and his wife, Zipporah, name their first son?

  1. Gershom
  2. Velcroah
  3. Geshem
  4. Geshan

7. Ex. 3:1 - Who was Moses’ father-in- law?

  1. Jether
  2. Jeepers
  3. Jethro (aka Reuel)
  4. Jetheth

8. Ex. 3:1-2 - What incredible sight did Moses see when he was on Mount Horeb?

  1. water coming from a rock
  2. a burning bush
  3. aurora borealis
  4. a flock of quail

9. Ex. 3:5 - What was Moses instructed to do because he was standing on holy ground?

  1. remove his sandals
  2. bow down
  3. do the moon walk
  4. build an altar

10. Ex. 3:8 - God promised to give the Israelites a land flowing with what?

  1. calories and cavities
  2. fruits and vegetables
  3. meat and cheese
  4. milk and honey

11. Ex. 3:10 - Who was Moses instructed to speak to on behalf of the Israelites?

  1. Jeff Walling
  2. Pharaoh
  3. the Egyptian governor
  4. the captain of the Egyptian guard

12. Ex. 4:3 - What did Moses’ staff turn into when he threw it on the ground?

  1. a hedgehog
  2. a flame
  3. a scarab
  4. a snake

13. Ex. 4:6-7 - What part of Moses became leprous then normal again?

  1. his hand
  2. his foot
  3. his pinky
  4. his face

14. Ex. 4:10 - What did Moses give as his reason for not wanting to be the spokesman?

  1. “My temper will get the best of me.”
  2. “I don’t want the responsibility.”
  3. “I am slow of speech and tongue.”
  4. “I have lots of bad hair days.”

15. Ex. 4:14-16 - Who did God send with Moses to talk to Pharaoh?

  1. Aaron
  2. Nathan
  3. Hiram
  4. his mother

16. Ex. 5:1 - What did Moses and Aaron tell Pharaoh regarding the Israelites?

  1. give them less work
  2. give them more food
  3. supply them with Gatorade
  4. let them go so that they may hold a festival to God in the desert

17. Ex. 6:20 - What was the name of Moses’ father?

  1. Amtrak
  2. Amalek
  3. Amram
  4. Amasa

18. Ex. 6:20 - Who was Moses’ mother?

  1. Jezebel
  2. Jael
  3. Jochechair
  4. Jochebed

19. Ex. 6:23 - Who were Nadab and Abihu?

  1. cousins
  2. greatest comedy team pre Laurel and Hardy
  3. son and father-in-law
  4. Aaron’s oldest sons

20. Ex. 7:17-19 - What was the first plague?

  1. water turned to blood
  2. darkness
  3. incontinence
  4. flies

21. Ex. 7:17-25 - What river did Moses turn to blood?

  1. Nile
  2. Ohio
  3. Jordan
  4. Tigris

22. Ex. 7:22-8:6-7 - Of the ten plagues, how many could Pharaoh’s magicians duplicate?

  1. 4
  2. 1
  3. the odd-numbered ones
  4. 2

23. Ex. 7:25 - How long did the first plague last?

  1. 3 days
  2. 7 days
  3. it’s still going on—even as we speak
  4. 1 day

24. Ex. 8:6 - What was the second plague?

  1. frogs
  2. wombats
  3. flies
  4. gnats

25. Ex. 8:13-14 - What happened to the frogs at the end of the second plague?

  1. they were reincarnated (and came back as toads!)
  2. they became someone’s meal
  3. they died
  4. they went into hibernation

26. Ex. 10:13-14 - What was the eighth plague?

  1. locusts
  2. gnats
  3. darkness
  4. rebellious reindeer

27. Ex. 10:13 - What brought the locusts of the eighth plague?

  1. a north wind
  2. a west wind
  3. El Nino
  4. an east wind

28. Ex. 10:22 - What was the ninth plague?

  1. severe pestilence
  2. darkness
  3. tornadoes
  4. hail

29. Ex. 10:22 - How long did the darkness of the ninth plague last?

  1. 3 days
  2. 7 days
  3. until the misplaced Sylvania bulbs could be found
  4. 1 day

30. Ex. 11:4-5 - What was the tenth plague?

  1. death of the animals
  2. death of all children
  3. death of all mother-in-laws
  4. death of the firstborn sons and cattle

31. Ex. 12 - What festival was instituted as a result of the tenth plague?

  1. the Garlic Festival
  2. Feast of Weeks
  3. Feast of Booths
  4. Passover

32. Ex. 12:5 - During the Passover, in addition to sheep’s blood, what other kind of blood could be used on the doorposts?

  1. gecko’s
  2. pigeon’s
  3. goat’s
  4. dove’s

33. Ex.12:6 - When was the Passover lamb to be slaughtered?

  1. at twilight
  2. in the afternoon
  3. when Bob Evans arrived in town
  4. before bedtime

34. Ex. 12:7 - In order to protect their firstborn from the death angel, where were the Israelites instructed to place the lamb’s blood?

  1. in the chamber pot
  2. the windows
  3. the floor
  4. the doorposts

35. Ex. 12:15 - How long did the Feast of Unleavened Bread last?

  1. until the bread got stale
  2. 1 day
  3. 30 days
  4. 7 days

36. Ex. 12:15 - What was the penalty for eating leaven?

  1. being cut off from Israel
  2. having your hand slapped
  3. you wouldn’t receive a new supply
  4. it would poison your body

37. Ex. 12:17-20 - Which feast was connected with Passover, and lasted for seven days?

  1. Feast of Unleavened Bread
  2. Feast of the Overpass
  3. Feast of Trumpets
  4. Feast of Dedication

38. Ex. 12:29 - At what time of day were the firstborn sons and cattle struck dead?

  1. high noon
  2. midnight
  3. dawn
  4. dusk

39. Ex. 12:31 - After the death of the firstborn sons and cattle, what did Pharaoh tell Aaron and Moses?

  1. this is Hotel California—you can never leave
  2. go back to work
  3. leave
  4. go back to Goshen where you came from

40. Ex. 13:21 - How did God lead the Israelites during the Exodus?

  1. in an apple-red Corvette
  2. as a voice from Heaven
  3. as a star
  4. in a pillar of cloud/fire

41. Ex. 14:1, 21-22 - What body of water was parted by God so that the Israelites could cross on dry land?

  1. the Sea of Galilee
  2. the Jordan River
  3. the Thames River
  4. the Red Sea

42. Ex. 14:19-20 - What did God place between the camp of the Israelites and the camp of the Egyptians?

  1. a mountain
  2. a river
  3. a pillar of cloud
  4. a clubhouse (complete with a game room!)

43. Ex. 14:21-28 - Who was chasing the Israelites when they crossed the Red Sea?

  1. Egyptians
  2. the police
  3. Babylonians
  4. Persians

44. Ex. 15:22 - Where did Moses lead the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea?

  1. Desert of Sin
  2. Desert of Paran
  3. Desert of Shamu
  4. Desert of Shur

45. Ex. 15:23 - When the Israelites came to Marah, what was wrong with the water?

  1. it was salty
  2. it contained E-coli
  3. it was bitter
  4. it was dried up

46. Ex. 15:27 - Where did the Israelites go after leaving Marah?

  1. Motown
  2. Rephidim
  3. Pithom
  4. Elim

47. Ex. 16:1 - What desert lies between Elim and Sinai?

  1. Desert of Sin
  2. Desert of And
  3. Desert of Shur
  4. Desert of Paran

48. Ex. 16:3 - When in the desert, what did the Israelites complain to Moses and Aaron about:

  1. it was too hot
  2. they were tired
  3. continual power outages
  4. no meat to eat

49. Ex. 16:13 - What kind of meat did God give the Israelites to eat?

  1. quail
  2. partridge
  3. fillet mignon
  4. owl

50. Ex. 16: 14, 31 - What food did God provide that was white and tasted like wafers with honey?

  1. flatbread
  2. white-chocolate Oreos
  3. manna
  4. fig cakes

51. Ex. 16:20 - What happened to the manna when some of the Israelites tried to store it?

  1. became full of maggots and began to smell
  2. it dissolved
  3. it metamorphosed into spinach
  4. it turned hard

52. Ex. 16:21 - What happened to the manna when the sun grew hot?

  1. it melted
  2. it liquefied
  3. it metamorphosed into pancakes
  4. it hardened

53. Ex. 16:26 - How many days a week were the Israelites to gather manna to eat?

  1. 2
  2. 7
  3. as many as they wanted
  4. 6

54. Ex. 16:35 - What miraculous food did the Israelites eat in the desert for forty years?

  1. manna
  2. quail
  3. fish
  4. Beef Jerky

55. Ex. 20:1 - How did the Israelites first receive the Ten Commandments?

  1. God spoke them
  2. on stone tablets
  3. by e-mail
  4. on parchment

56. Ex. 20:10 - What is the Jewish day of rest called?

  1. The Seventh New Moon
  2. The Day of Atonement
  3. The Sabbath
  4. Crash and Burn Day

57. Ex. 20:12 - According to the Ten Commandments, whom should we honor?

  1. our brothers and sisters
  2. our friends
  3. our father and mother
  4. the Duke Stidhams of the world

58. Ex. 20:18 - When God spoke to the Israelites on Mt. Sinai, what was their response?

  1. they cheered
  2. they did the wave
  3. they trembled with fear
  4. they ran away

59. Ex. 24:1 - What were Aaron, Nadab, Abihu, and 70 of the elders of Israel instructed to do in regards to worship?

  1. worship all night long
  2. worship at a distance
  3. worship on the mountaintop
  4. worship in their tents

60. Ex. 24:5 - What did the Israelites sacrifice as a peace offering to God?

  1. lambs
  2. a peace pipe
  3. goats
  4. young bulls

61. Ex. 24:6 - What did Moses do with some of the blood from the sacrifices?

  1. he poured it on the ground
  2. he sprinkled it on the altar
  3. he put it in the fire
  4. he drank it

62. Ex. 24:12 - What did God give Moses when he went up on top of Mt. Sinai?

  1. power
  2. tablets of stone
  3. hang gliding equipment
  4. the Ark of the Covenant

63. Ex. 24:12 - What were the commandments written on?

  1. cyprus wood tablets
  2. ivory parchment paper
  3. stone tablets
  4. resume paper

64. Ex. 25:2 - Where did Moses get the beautiful and expensive materials the tabernacle was to be made of?

  1. they found them
  2. they were stolen
  3. contributions
  4. they miraculously appeared

65. Ex. 25:8 - What did God tell Moses to have the Israelites construct for Him?

  1. pyramids
  2. a boat
  3. a tower
  4. a sanctuary

66. Ex. 25:8 - What was the purpose of the tabernacle?

  1. God needed a place to live
  2. storage
  3. to flaunt the Israelites’ new-found wealth
  4. so God could dwell with His people

67. Ex. 25:10 - What was the Ark of the Covenant made of?

  1. gopher wood
  2. 48 carat gold
  3. acacia wood
  4. balsam wood

68. Ex. 25:16 - What was placed inside the Ark of the Covenant?

  1. the Israelites’ diaries
  2. Moses’ staff
  3. Aaron’s robe
  4. the Testimony (aka the Ten Commandments)

69. Ex. 25:17 - What was the name of the covering or lid of the Ark of the Covenant?

  1. atonement cover
  2. bronze altar
  3. Most Holy Lid
  4. laver

70. Ex. 25:17 - What was the atonement cover made of?

  1. wood
  2. silver trimmed with neon blue polka-dotted material
  3. bronze
  4. pure gold

71. Ex 25:20 - What was covering the atonement cover of the Ark of the Covenant?

  1. mermaids
  2. cherubim
  3. candlestick
  4. a golden lampstand

72. Ex. 26:33 - In what part of the tabernacle was the Ark of the Covenant kept?

  1. Most Holy Place
  2. in an underground tunnel
  3. Holy Place
  4. Court

73. Ex. 26:33, 27:9 - Which of the following is NOT a name of one of the three sections of the tabernacle.

  1. the Most Holy Place
  2. the Most SW-E-E-E-ET Place
  3. the Holy Place
  4. the court

74. Ex. 32:4 - While Moses was on Mt. Sinai, what did Aaron make for the Israelites?

  1. an altar
  2. a golden calf
  3. rib-sticking meatloaf and twice-baked potatoes
  4. a statue of Moses

75. Ex. 32:15 - What was Moses carrying when he came down the mountain?

  1. his repelling equipment
  2. his sandals
  3. a sacrificial animal
  4. two tablets of the Testimony

76. Ex. 32:19 - What did Moses do with the tablets of the Law?

  1. threw them on the ground
  2. gave them to Aaron
  3. laid them on an altar
  4. rewrote them in calligraphy

77. Ex. 32:20 - What did Moses do with the golden calf?

  1. buried it
  2. threw it in the sea
  3. rode it like a mechanical bull
  4. burned it in the fire and ground it to powder

78. Ex. 32:20 - What did Moses do with the powder that was ground from the golden calf?

  1. sprinkled it between his toes in an attempt to relieve his Athlete’s Foot
  2. tossed it in the air
  3. offered it on the altar
  4. scattered it on the water and made the people drink it

79. Ex. 32:24 - Where did Aaron tell Moses the golden calf came from?

  1. the people made it
  2. it jumped out of the fire
  3. a gift from his friend, Midas
  4. God created it

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